Exceptional Landscaping Services at Phelps Nursery USC

graphical representation of a plant doctor tying together a tree and stethoscope

At Phelps Nursery in Upper St. Clair, we pride ourselves on offering more than just top-quality plants and landscaping supplies. Our comprehensive range of services sets us apart from other nurseries and landscaping suppliers, ensuring that your gardening experience is seamless and enjoyable. From delivery and design to planting, plant doctor services, and custom garden…

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Pittsburgh Planting Tips for This Season

Yellow daffodil flowers

Spring is finally tiptoeing back into Pittsburgh, and with some careful planning and a pair of steady hands, it’s time for local green thumbs to get out there and connect with the earth once again. March can be a bit of a fickle time for planting, with winter reluctant to release its grip, but there’s…

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Perennial Deer Resistant Plants For Your Pittsburgh Garden

red hot poker flower

If you are like us, your garden is your pride and joy. Pittsburgh residents spend good money to make their yard colorful and beautiful with flowers with intent of enjoying the warmer months with these bright and beautiful plants dressing up their yard. While it is understood that there is a certain amount of hard…

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